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name off | Actual Settings (SAVE settings with Ctrg-C as txt (Notepad) or SAVE as browser-Link ) | Search for potenz N and Basis and Harmonics in the first selected element Z (only one) Calculate for selected elements with potenz N(for Basis=2) = to in L = Z * Cx * Basis^N * Factor N = log(L/(Factor*Z*Cx)) / log(Basis)
and f=c/L and T=L/c with c= m/s and Comptonwavelength Cx [m]: Ce= 2.4263102389E-12 Cp= 1.32140985623E-15 Cn= 1.3195909068E-15 Plk= 1.616199E-35 orb_Mercur= 57.91E9 Cx m Basis Factor Basis B with e= 2.7182818284590 phi= 1.618034 or 2 , Factor with pi= 3.141592 2pi= 6.283185 g= 0.61803398874989 or 18 | show digits Select Units L Length Lj pc AE earthR km m dm cm mm µm nm A~ pm fm f Frequency THz GHz MHz kHz Hz mHz µHz T Time j d h min s ms µs ns ps V Volume =L^3 km^3 m^3 hL=100L dL=10L dm^3=L 10ml=cL cm^3=mL mm^3=µL m Mass =V*dens. Mt kt t kg g mg µg ng pg fg
(Reset with deleting the number) Reset 5 Basis-Harmonic-Search (Example)
| 1 Listing - Modus 2 Searching - Modus 3 Factor-Search 4 Basis(+Factor)-Search 5 Basis(+Factor)-Harmonics-Search
Value for Searching: m Length error L maximal 0.1% 0.5% 1% 2% 5% all
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Results with Cn Attention ! Factor 6.2831853071795864769 to L and to T, invers to f, Basis B= 6/5, 5/4, 4/3, e/2, e^(1/e), 3/2, 1.61803, 5/3, 7/4, 2, 5/2, e, 3, 7/2, 9/2, 5, 7, 9, 11,