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name off | Actual Settings (SAVE settings with Ctrg-C as txt (Notepad) or SAVE as browser-Link ) | Search for potenz N and factor2 in selected elements Z, for given result with the multiplikation L*factor2 L = Z * Cx * Basis^N * Factor N = log(L/(Factor*Z*Cx)) / log(Basis)
and f=c/L and T=L/c with c= m/s and Comptonwavelength Cx [m]: Ce= 2.4263102389E-12 Cp= 1.32140985623E-15 Cn= 1.3195909068E-15 Plk= 1.616199E-35 orb_Mercur= 57.91E9 Cx m Basis Factor Basis B with e= 2.7182818284590 phi= 1.618034 or 2 , Factor with pi= 3.141592 2pi= 6.283185 g= 0.61803398874989 or 18 | show digits Select Units L Length Lj pc AE earthR km m dm cm mm µm nm A~ pm fm f Frequency THz GHz MHz kHz Hz mHz µHz T Time j d h min s ms µs ns ps V Volume =L^3 km^3 m^3 hL=100L dL=10L dm^3=L 10ml=cL cm^3=mL mm^3=µL m Mass =V*dens. Mt kt t kg g mg µg ng pg fg
(Reset with deleting the number) Reset 3 Factor-Search (Example1) (Example2)
| 1 Listing - Modus 2 Searching - Modus 3 Factor-Search 4 Basis(+Factor)-Search 5 Basis(+Factor)-Harmonics-Search
Value for Searching: m Length search factor2 (integer) with lattice constants: 118L or 118R By using this code as text you call the physical lattice constants and atomic radii from the database, for many Z. If you use the value Factor additional, you can find rational numbers between L and Lattice(Z): 0.333333*ResultF = 1/3*ResultF or Factor=0.5 with Basis>2 error L maximal 0.1% 0.5% 1% 2% 5% all
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Results (search for N and factors (Factor, factor2, Z and Ce) with 2 m) with Ce
B | error L[%] | | Z | N | [1m=1m] Factor2 | [1MHz=1.0E6Hz] | 2 | err=-0.0409 | C | Z=6 | (37.00) N=37 | L=2.0008172 m /1.0004086=2 m | f=149.83500 MHz |
1 Treffer,mit factor2: 1(1),0(2*),0(2/),0(3*),0(3/),0(5*),0(5/),0(7*),0(7/),bei Basis=2, Cx=2.4263102389E-12, Factor=1, c=299792458, genau=0.1%, mod=3, Suchwort=2 m | |